iu takahashi
Vocalist / Sound Artist
Born and raised in Yokohama, Japan, iu takahashi is a sound artist based in Tokyo.
She produces her own musical worldview mainly using voices and field recording.
iu takahashi used to do her artist activities as a vocalist before, and now she has created mainly
ambient music since 2018, provided her tracks to background music such as exhibitions and
introduction videos.
Inspired by Japanese ambient music such as Hiroshi Yoshimura and Satoshi Ashikawa, iu
takahashi, too, creates beautiful works based on Japanese ambient music.
And under the concept of soundscape, she always keeps in mind to deliver music that is considerate
of the listener's thoughts and feelings, or music that is conscious of the unconscious mind.
2018年よりambient / 環境音楽をメインに制作をはじめる。
LAAPS,Luminous Drift,Regional Attraction,梅レコードなど国内外のレーベルからリリースを重ねる他、